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Our visitors share their experience at the Vortex, find their videos here on YouTube as well as extracts from the Guestbook that you can also fill out during your visit to the Vortex in Riambel.

DALL·E 2024-01-30 20.52.15 - Create an image that symbolizes the 'Path of Liberation' for

Videos on Youtube

Vortex on Youtube

Vortex on Youtube

Vortex on Youtube
Riambels Vortex, the energy zone. (Live style)
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Riambels Vortex, the energy zone. (Live style)

Shankar eager to try Mauritian food and the Riambel vortex
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Shankar eager to try Mauritian food and the Riambel vortex

Top 5 Most Mysterious Places On Mauritius | Mauritius Discovery |
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Top 5 Most Mysterious Places On Mauritius | Mauritius Discovery |


And there we are, our 4th stay in Mauritius since 2009 where we discovered the magic of the vortex. My friend Kathy, her son Romain and my daughter Emma understood my enthusiasm to come and get energy to help my loved ones. This place is a blessing. THANKS.


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