Life weighs us down
With its dark energies
In the obscurity
The path seems slow
Then come the warriors
Those who know the truth
The way out of this jungle of dangers
Not easy to find one’s way
But thanks to those enlightened
And the hand of my Father
I cross with serenity
Facing darkness
Horror movies
I pause
In the light
For I am light
I put away my weapons
I lay down my fears
And I remain calm
In what I truly am
I let go
And I access peace and love
Without doubt
One of the most painful
And one of the most beautiful days
To face the devil head-on
And to use love to win
My father and my guides
Friends and bees
The little girl and the Om chanting
The little houses of the chakras
With the scent of noni on the ground
The sun and the sound of the drum
The eye of the universe and of love
Serenity in these tears of a thank you
Forgiveness granted to multiple pains
Forgiveness asked of sensitive hearts
A I love you, several I love yous
To them, to Him, to Her, to us,
To Self
To Love, Life
