The Prison

The Prison
You are not in the right place
Run away, they can't hold you
“The Prison” symbolizes a moment of realization that the constraints you face are not merely external circumstances but reflections of a misalignment with your true power and position. It suggests that the inability to act or move forward stems from being in a place—physically, mentally, or emotionally—that does not resonate with your authentic self.
Anchored in the energy of the Solar Plexus chakra, the center of will, personal power, and autonomy, “The Prison” calls attention to the invisible bars that may have encircled you, highlighting the urgency of breaking free from the confines that limit your expression and growth. It reminds you that the sense of imprisonment you experience is a signal, urging you to reassess your surroundings and the choices that led you here.
“The Prison” serves as both a warning and a catalyst for liberation, encouraging you to recognize that the true essence of your being cannot be contained or restrained by any force, as long as you claim your power and assert your will. It prompts you to take bold action, to run away from the confines of a prison not meant to hold you, affirming that no external situation has the power to bind you when you embrace the strength within.
In moments where you feel trapped or powerless, where the path to freedom seems obscured, “The Prison” offers guidance and empowerment. It reassures you that escape is not only possible but necessary, urging you to reclaim your autonomy and to navigate towards spaces that honor your worth and potential.
Let “The Prison” inspire you to break free from the shackles of limitation, understanding that your true place is one of freedom, choice, and power. By listening to the call to run away from what holds you back, you align more closely with the dynamic energy of the Solar Plexus chakra, stepping into the light of self-determination and the open field of your limitless potential.
The Prison